Freedom planet ost
Freedom planet ost

freedom planet ost freedom planet ost

I'm loving the game and very surprised at how good it is, and I'd really like someone to explain to me how its getting such low scores from the big guys. The first time you have to cross a major storm, having your walker ICE over, and having to literally pry the thing open to remove the ice manually, while dodging pieces of mega-hail from the sky, it surprises the hell out of you and its very immersive, making you feel that this is a real world with real struggles. Since the company NEVEC and the world is very lightly fleshed out, that makes the plot of this game almost entirely a character piece about the main character and his struggles with loneliness, the world and the people he meets on EDN3, but it works great! His messages home and responses from his wife play during missions and feel very genuine and heartfelt, the environment is an active antagonist in a much deeper and more real way than any other game I've played and its exactly the kind of thing I'd been hoping to see a game do so I can forgive all its very minor gameplay flaws easily. And thats really strange because it completely lacks the background universe that made the DS and mass effect plots really compelling.

freedom planet ost

Its certainly not as good as either in the gameplay department, with some notable control problems, and a focus on covering and recovering the same world territory that tries to channel metroid but lacks the complexity to make it feel worthwhile, but I'm actually finding the story and more to point, the characters, a lot more interesting. I dont understand whats going on with these reviews, did these magazine chumps actually play this game? Ok, so I didnt play the first 2 games, so I really didn't have any idea of what to expect, but what it delivered was kind of a poor man's Dead Space 3, with some Mass Effect type elements in the game play. I'm about halfway through playing this on 360 and Its really good! This feels like the first true survival story I've played in a video game I'm about halfway through playing this on 360 and Its really good! This feels like the first true survival story I've played in a video game and it impresses the hell out of me.

Freedom planet ost